Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to the New Blog!

Hello Large Groupers out there! This is my new attempt at sharing vital information with you all and connecting our group together.

I hope that you'll take part in this blog and that it will be a forum for us to share and grow in community.

Now for our first big announcement...............(*imagine the drumroll here*)

Back to School is Here!!!

I know, I know, I can hear the cheers and groans already. Well, I'm sure the parents are cheering. Those of us who sit behind school buses in the morning on our way to work all groan. :) And what's up with the delayed start time in Loudoun County? There are teenagers waiting for the bus outside my apartments at 8:30 every morning. Just when does school start around here??

Anyhow, I digress. Back to school is an exciting time in Kid's Quest. We get a new set of kids and a brand new opportunity to influence them for Christ. We get a whole new set of fun themes in Large Group and lots of new roles to play. Let's pray that God will give us creativity and a refreshed outlook as we embark on this new year.

Let's give a big welcome to the "Newbies on the Block"!

Sorry ladies, NKOTB are not coming to visit, but I got your attention, right?
Just as exciting: we have some new volunteers on K/1 and some "oldies" who are trying new roles. A special welcome goes out to Elaine, Rich, and Amy!! Kudos to Katie, Marika, and Emily for embarking on new roles in the ministry. I look forward to featuring you all in our blog over the next few weeks (with your permission, of course).

A little preview of next month for you.......

October is going to be an exciting month as we learn about "individuality" (see Psalm 139:14). We define that as "discovering who you are meant to be so you can make a difference". It's going to be a great month with some lessons we can all use.

Now, for the Large Group theme- we will be bodybuilding! The stage will morph into a gym for the month. Pull out those short shorts and sweatbands, leotards and legwarmers. (all church appropriate, of course) This one is going to be a good laugh for all of us.

If you would be willing to loan us the following or know someone who would, I would be super grateful:
*weight bench
*exercise balls
*yoga mats
*exercise equipment

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas! Leave a comment!